resist with underglaze and clear glaze
this is what came out of the kiln!
CONE 04 Diamond clear glaze over very old Turquoise duncan underglaze.

The color in the closeup image seems closer to the actual turquoise,
and also shows the sponged texture a little better, as well as what
I think is a nice roughness of some of the edges.
AND now for some screen printing experiments!
Let's try underglaze on top of a pre-glazed tile.
PART ONE, three steps ~ 
First I misted the tile very lightly with water
and smoothed the screen down with a cloth
to adhere it closely.
Use an absorbent lint-free cloth to remove any extra moisture to minimize the glaze bleeding.
This is a RISO thermofax 70 mesh screen.
In our screen image gallery we offer 100 mesh for paper prints which also work with finely milled glazes BUT recommend 70 mesh for glazes and slip.
You can also email us an image for a custom screen design!
Please let us know if you are ordering for ceramic work.

For the purpose of this test and considering that the design will only be a background image, the thin glaze was ok.
For better resolution, using a thicker body glaze is better. (More on that later)
squeegee away!
Big screens like this 8 x 10 require some care in keeping the screen in close contact with the tile surface.and here is the unfired result:
Can't wait to get a load done and fill the kiln again :~)
In case this interests you please visit some of our gallery pages for ready made screens you can try with your own glazes. Small screens are $5.00 Since we are as excited as you to see what you come up with, we ship promptly via Priority Mail Flat Rate or First Class as you choose. Or stop by if you're in the neighborhood. We are usually here :~)